Passive House Duplex

  • 2-yr invesment horizon
  • Preferred equity offered
  • New construction housing project
  • Net zero energy ready buildings
  • Transit, restaurants + parks nearby
  • Offering closes February 28, 2025
  • Cancel investment through February 26, 2025
Passive House Duplex

Passive House. The most stringent energy standard for buildings.

Impact highlights
  • Double impact. A Passive House duplex + carriage house that combines sustainability and missing middle housing approach
  • Passive House. The most stringent energy standard for buildings
  • Advanced sustainability. Super-insulated, air tight, solar gain optimized, and ventilated well
  • Missing middle housing. Three units replace a former single-family house for increased density
  • Knowledge sharing. Building construction tours planned to educate the local community on  Passive House standard
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The business plan
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Change Index

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How will this work for you?

We plan to distribute its Net Capital Proceeds first to Class B Members, the investors in this offering, pro-rata until each investor has received its unreturned initial investment along with a  return of 10% of their Initial investment. 

We have created a mathematical calculation based on our current assumptions about the Project's completion and net proceeds. We estimate that funds will be returned to Investors after two (2) years, when we anticipate that the Project will be sold. Cash flow and profits from liquidation are expected to net a total of $1,564,500 over the 2-year period. 

  Year 1 Year 2
Cash Inflows    
Investor capital (Class B) $250,000  
Sponsor capital (Class A) $130,000  
Grants & rebates $173,000  
Deferred developer ree $75,000  
Bank loan $986,500  
Sales proceeds   $1,564,500
Total Inflows $1,564,500  
Cash Outflows    
Land acquisition $350,000  
Construction hard costs $1,034,500  
Construction soft costs $80,000  
Developer fee   $75,000
Class B investor return   $25,000
To sponsor (developer fee, eeqity from grants & rebates   $223,000
Total Net Cash Flow   $1,564,500
Anticipate return for a $2,500 investor   $2,750
As percent of investment   110%

Some of our assumptions will prove to be inaccurate, possibly for the reasons described in the Risks of Investing exhibit. Therefore, the results of investing illustrated in our calculation are likely to differ in reality, for better or for worse, possibly by a large amount.  Please also review the Company's Operating Agreement, for additional detail on how distributions will be made.

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About the team
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About the offering

The Company is engaged in a Regulation Crowdfunding (Reg CF) offering (the “Offering”) to raise money to build a duplex, to passive house standards, located at 1015 West 37th Street, Minneapolis MN 55409.

We are trying to raise a maximum of $250,000, but we will move forward with the Project and use investor funds if we are able to raise at least $125,000 (the “Target Amount”). If we have not raised at least the Target Amount by 11:59 PM EST on February 28, 2025 (the “Target Date”), we will terminate the Offering and return 100% of their money to anyone who has subscribed.

The minimum you can invest in the Offering is $2,500. Investments above $2,500 may be made in $2,500 increments (e.g., $5,000 or $7,500, but not $2,650). An investor may cancel his or her commitment up until 11:59 pm EST on February 26, 2025 (i.e., two days before the Target Date). If we have raised at least the Target Amount we might decide to accept the funds and admit investors to the Company before the Target Date; in that case we will notify you and give you the right to cancel.

After we accept the funds and admit investors to the Company, whether on the Target Date or before, we will continue the Offering until we have raised the maximum amount.

You can review the offering documents here or as registered on the SEC website.  Investments under Reg CF are offered by NSSC Funding Portal, LLC, a licensed funding portal.

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About the risks

A crowdfunding investment involves risk. You should not invest any funds in this offering unless you can afford to lose your entire investment.

In making an investment decision, Investors must rely on their own examination of the issuer and the terms of the offering, including the merits and risks involved. These securities have not been recommended or approved by any federal or state securities commission or regulatory authority. Furthermore, these authorities have not passed upon the accuracy or adequacy of this document.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not pass upon the merits of any securities offered or the terms of the offering, nor does it pass upon the accuracy or completeness of any offering document or literature.

These securities are offered under an exemption from registration; however, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has not made an independent determination that these securities are exempt from registration.

There are numerous risks to consider when making an investment such as this one and financial projections are just that - projections. Returns are not guaranteed. Conditions that may affect your investment include unforeseen construction costs, changes in market conditions, and potential disasters that are not covered by insurance. Please review Risks of Investing for a more expansive list of potential risks associated with an investment in this Company.

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